Multiplex edu-game

Welcome to the Young ArcHers edu-games. In this page, you will have the choice between several educational games to discover architectural heritage, its accessibility and its preservation through interactive activities. These games can be played individually or in a group setting.

Click on any game to download its files. Make sure you read the description of each game to prepare it.

The last game is a digital game that you can play online.


Game A: Guess the building

In this game you can dowload 2 files:

  1. Description and instructions of the game (PDF format)
  2. Printable game elements, such as the images of the buildings and the puzzle pieces (PDF format)

Game B: Create your walk

In this game you can dowload 3 files:

  1. Description and instructions of the game (PDF format)
  2. Printable poster of the game (PDF format)
  3. Online (accessible) version of the poster (PowerPoint format)
Game B - Poster
Welcome to Young ArcHers city

Game C: Accessibility story challenge

In this game you can dowload 2 files:

  1. Description and instructions of the game (PDF format)
  2. Building accessibility checklist (Word format)

Game D: Make a postcard

In this game you can dowload 2 files:

  1. Description and instructions of the game (PDF format)
  2. Printable graphic elements of the game (PDF format)

Game E: Save the buildings